Koonenberry Project

Bellagio Au Prospect
39.4g/t Au outcrop
- Widespread 500x300m bedrock gold zone identified in Air Core
- 10m @ 1.61g/t Au from 18m inc. 1m @ 4.47g/t from 24m
- 50m wide Central Gold Zone identified and remains undrill tested
- Royal Oak Fault controlling structure open for +20km
- Several high priority gold anomalies identified along fault
Atlantis Cu-Au Prospect
15.3% Cu, 0.84g/t Au, 0.34% Pb outcrop
- Favourable structural position near mantle tapping KNB Fault
- Doubly-plunging mafic dome, similar to +5Moz Stawell gold mine
- 6.5km x 900m Au-Cu-As-Sb-Pb-Zn soils
- Same stratigraphy as G11. Potential for VMS style mineralisation
- Recent drilling has not explained high grade Cu-Au at surface
Delamarian Cu-Ni-PGE Project
Targeted by S2R, AIC Mines, G11
- Prospective Craton margin setting, similar to Albany-Fraser belt (WA)
- Fertile mafic to ultramafic igneous rocks
- Orthomagmatic Cu-Ni-Co-PGE, Polymetallic Cu-Au-Pb-Zn-Ag VMS
- Coincident gravity + magnetic highs
- +20km prospective stratigraphy
- Complimentary to Koonenberry Project adding 418km2