Lachlan Project

Breakfast Creek (Cu-Au)
Virtually unexplored 392km² EL
- 55km south of Cadia Cu-Au porphyry (51Moz Au & 9.9Mt Cu)
- Hosted in sub-cropping Molong Volcanic Belt, Macquarie Arc
- Potential for high Cu/Au grade skarn and porphyry systems
- e.g. Browns Creek 1.29Mt @ 6.39g/t Au, 0.45% Cu
- Entire prospective belt currently held by majors and active juniors
- Rare opportunity, unexplored in Australia’s premier Au-Cu belt
Balbardie Au-Cu Prospect
Exciting high-grade skarn/porphyry
- Semi-coincident magnetic, IP chargeability and AEM conductivity
- Widespread skarn-type hydrothermal alteration & gossans
- Significant +6km Cu-Au +pathfinder soil anomaly
- High-grade Cu-Au grab samples:
- 3.4g/t Au & 1.1% Cu (BCR002)
- 0.8g/t Au & 12.6% Cu (BCR001)
- 0.5g/t Au & 18.5% Cu (BRC004)
- 0.73g/t Au & 16.2% Cu (BCR011)
- 0.52g/t Au & 17.8% Cu (BCR013)
- Very limited drilling; Targets remain untested
Wilga (Au)
20km from +13Moz Cowal Au Mine
- Strategically located 272km² Exploration Licence
- Coincident Magnetics and K-Radiometric signatures
- Prospective features similar to Cowal Igneous Complex
- +4km Carbonate Base Metal (CBM) trend
- No systematic exploration
- Land access secured to previously unexplored Olaf’s Prospect
Olaf’s Prospect (Wilga)
Mineralisation at EL boundary
- Significant drill results to south: 2.22m @ 7.64g/t Au from 34.25m inc. 0.3m @ 19.4g/t Au from 34.85m (DDH3)
- Cu-Zn-Pb-As soil anomaly (open); nb. Cu-Pb pathfinders at Cowal
- Highly anomalous rocks: 0.47% Cu, 0.33% Zn (1260); 1.32% Pb (788-4)
- Limited drilling confirms base metals: 11.33m @ 2% Pb+Zn (ODH-1)
- Epithermal quartz-carbonate-adularia alteration
- Pyrite>sphalerite>galena>chalcopyrite veins
Prince of Wales (Au)
High-grade Au Targets
- Historic 1.8km underground workings; 170m deep (POW: 26.6k oz Au @ 8.7g/t Au)
- Shallow RAB only: 2m @ 5.98g/t Au from 32m to EOH (POW012)
- Two gold trends (POW and Back Creek)
- Magnetite destructive alteration (sericite-clay-qtz-carbonate-pyrite)
- No previous systematic drill testing along 4km structure
Dunedoo (Au-Ag-Cu)
Not a single drillhole in +8km of Au anomalism
- 65km from 491Moz Ag Eq Bowden’s Silver Mine
- Interpreted prospective Macquarie Arc geology
- Extensive alluvial gold (Tucklan alluvials); source not identified
- +8km gold soil anomaly (>10ppb Au; max 182.5ppb Au)
- Magnetite destructive acid alteration along structural trend
- 5 targets (Tucklan, Hillside, Wattle Vale, Showgrounds & Belinda Vale)
- Prospects remain untested by drilling
Belinda Vale Prospect » Porphyry Cu-Au Target
- 450 x 300m high amplitude “bullseye” magnetic anomaly
- Coincident Cu-Mo + pathfinder element soil anomaly
- Previously misidentified high level alteration minerals
Propylitic altered (ep-chl-cb-alb-ser) andesitic volcaniclastics + hornblende-phyric diorite (fertile);
Pyrophyllite altered basalt to west - Features are consistent with upper parts Cu-Au-Mo porphyry system
Temora South (Cu-Au)
Epithermal Au & Porphyry Cu-Au Target
- 16 km from 1.4Moz Gidginbung HS Epithermal Au Mine
Prospective Late Ordovician to Early Silurian Volcanics
(host to Gidginbung Mine and Temora Porphyry Cu-Au deposit) -
Bounded by Gilmore Suture and second-order splay faults
“Roadside” RAB hole: 4m @ 1.93g/t Au to EOH (95WRAC50) - Five targets identified
Wynds Rd Au Target
Underexplored outcropping gold system
- Historic workings: +400m strike
- Rock chips: 12.7g/t Au, 4.98g/t Au, 1.65g/t Au & 0.16% Cu
- +2.5km strike of phyllic - argillic - advanced argillic alteration
- Alteration assemblage consistent with root zone of lithocap
- Qtz-carb-cpy-py veins
- Untested linear magnetic highs (4 discrete “thumbprint” anomalies)
- No previous systematic drill testing - No RC or DD testing
Snowball Target (Porphyry Cu-Au)
- Interpreted sub-cropping Macquarie Arc igneous complex 1.93g/t Au to EOH (95WRAC50)
- 4.5 km x 2.0km ovoid shaped magnetic anomaly similar to Cadia
1983 BHP Cu-Zn-Pb SSD anomaly shows classic porphyry zonation
with proximal Cu and distal Zn anomalies - Porphyry alteration vectors inc. skarn, inner propylitic and potassic
- No previous drill testing
Pine Mountain Target (Porhyry/Epithermal Au-Cu)
- Historical Grab samples inc. 8.43g/t Au (5049/18) & 1.37% Cu
- Significant scale & tenor BHP Cu-Pb-Zn-As SSD anomalies
- Interpreted Macquarie Arc magnetic stratigraphy
Granite porphyry observed with typical lithocap observations inc.
stockwork barite veining, disseminated galena-fluorite, pyritic boxworks & qtz-tml veining - No previous drill testing
Bournewood (Cu-Au)
Favourable geology and erosional level
- Rock chips to 13.3g/t Au (15605) and 5.7% Cu
- Numerous historic Cu-Au workings
- Devonian volcanics next to Devonian intrusions
Alteration vectors indicative of upper/outer LFB Cu-Au porphyry
(phyllic/argillic, inner propylitic (act-ep-mt-sulphide), mt-skarn) - High grade Au-Cu-Mo-Bi surface geochemistry
- No previous RC/DDH testing of copper soil anomaly
Darby’s Ridge (Cu-Au)
Big targets under moderate cover
- 100% owned Project
- Prospective Ordovician? - Silurian + Devonian metasediments and volcano-sedimentary rocks
- Baseline datasets already acquired including: 50m aeromagnetics/radiometric surveys, dipole-dipole IP survey, World View satellite imagery
- Previously funded by Newmont
- Target type » Reduced Intrusion-related Cu-Au
- Havieron Au-Cu deposit analogy
- Similar geology, alteration, geochemistry & scale
Grassmere Prospect » Exciting Cu-Au Target
- Large magnetic high complex
- Fold nose structural setting
- Semi coincident IP chargeability, conductivity & resistivity anomalies
- Large >2km Au-Cu Aircore anomaly(max 0.22g/t Au, 914ppm Cu, +1171ppm As ±Zn ±Pb)
- Only four RC/DH completed
- Extensive reduced intrusion-related alteration (bt-act-po ±cpy ±sp ±ga) inc. intensity with depth
- Several >600m diameter “bullseye” magnetic anomalies remain un-drill tested
Junee JV
Newmont JV (KNB 20% free carried interest)
Multiple Porphyry Cu/Au & Epithermal Au Targets
- “Unusually fertile segment of Macquarie Arc” – Alan Wilson
- “Intensity of porphyry-veining in first pass drilling superseded only by systematic exploration of the Cadia and Northparkes districts”
- Multiple Targets; 4x alkalic porphyry systems identified
- Extensive datasets and drilling completed (~$23.9M)
- Shallow exploration for LFB, with systems exposed at/near surface
- Project funded by Newmont with drilling planned
Allawah Prospect
Orogenic Au? (2.3Moz Tomingley-style)
- 1.5km x 0.7km Au-As-Sb-Te-Bi-Cu soil anomaly (Max 3,420ppb Au)
- Rock chips: 1.79g/t Au (SN9986) and 1.37g/t Au (SN9987)
- Pervasive sericite-carbonate-quartz-chlorite-fuchsite alteration
- Quartz-carbonate-pyrite-arsenopyrite veining and breccias
Single traverse of drilling returned significant intercepts:
20m @ 1.15g/t Au from 52m inc. 4m @ 2.84g/t Au from 60m (JNRC025) - Largely untested IP Chargeability anomaly
Fairholme JV
Newmont Joint Venture (KNB 51% interest)
Porphyry Cu-Au Targets
- Newmont may earn up to 80% by spending AUD$5M (at their discretion)
- Immediately north of Kincora Copper Porphyry Cu-Au Gateway Prospect (123m @ 0.62g/t Au & 0.12% Cu)
- Fairholme Igneous complex
- Most underexplored igneous complex in Cowal region
Prospective Ordovician stratigraphy including Phase 4 high-level shoshonitic intrusives
(known to host Cadia & Northparkes Mines) - Concealed below moderate cover (36m – 150m)
- Arc parallel and cross-arc structures interpreted
Numerous Northparkes-style magnetic features (“doughnuts”)
– one example at Figure on right - Anomalous Cu-Au in Aircore (>0.1g/t Au & >500ppm Cu)
- Inner propylitic alteration assemblages (chl-mt-ep)
- Northparkes-style Targets » Drilling planned